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Analysis of Protein Characteristics of Selenite Transporter OsPT2 in Rice

作者:Biaojin; ZHANG; Qinglong; CHEN; Tingca...sativaseleniteospt2proteincharacteristicsbioinformatics

摘要:OsPT2,which is a selenite transporter in rice,belongs to rice phosphate transporter family OsPT.In this study,the amino acid sequence information of OsPT family members was collected using NCBI database.Bioinformatics method was employed to analyze physical and chemical properties and protein structure of OsPT2 and its homologous relationship with other members of the family.The results indicated that OsPT2 was a stable alkaline hydrophobic protein embedded in the cell membrane.The protein contained 11 transmembrane domains,and consisted of 45.08%of alpha helix,16.48%of extended strand,10.80%of beta turn and 27.65%of random coil,forming a barrel-like three-dimensional structure.Members in OsPT family had high homology and could be divided into 5 subgroups.OsPT2 had closer relationship with OsPT1 and OsPT3.This study could provide a basis for further revealing of molecular mechanism of selenite transport in rice.



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