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Breeding of XX Females(XX♀),YY Physiological Females(YY♀),YY Super-males(YY♂)of Pure-line Yellow Catfish(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson)

作者:Qiankai; TAN; Zhifa; TANG; Zhixue; TAN...yellowfulvidracopurelineselectionxxyyphysiological

摘要:Mature wild-type yellow catfish(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson)individuals with excellent traits have been screened from the Yangtze River as broodstock to establish the germplasm bank of pure-line yellow catfish by artificial gynogenesis technique and hormonal sex reversal method.Based on pure lines of yellow catfish,super-males and physiological females of yellow catfish were selected by GMT technique,hormonal sex reversal method and test-crossing to establish the germplasm bank of YY physiological females(YY♀).The propagation system of male yellow catfish(XY♂)was established based on the combination of super-males(YY♂)and pure-line female(XX♀)for large-scale production of pure-line yellow catfish males,which effectively overcome the disadvantages in the production of common fingerlings and male fingerlings using low-grade fish with slow growth and small size at the bottom of the fish grader as broodfish,such as progeny germplasm degeneration,loss of growth vigor and reduction of breeding benefits.The technical route of breeding pure-line YY physiological females(YY♀)and YY super-males(YY♂)laid the foundation for large-scale production of environmentally friendly yellow catfish males with pure germplasm and strong stress resistance,and provided an efficient,stable,healthy,environmentally friendly,energy-saving and income-increasing approach for sustainable development of yellow catfish breeding industry.



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