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Effect of Inter Stock‘Zhong ai 1hao’on the Structure of Spindle-shaped‘Huangguan’Pear Trees

作者:Shuwei; WEI; Xiaochang; DONG; Ran; DON...pearai1treestructure

摘要:In order to investigate the effect of dwarfing inter stock on the structure of pear trees,investigations were made to the tree and group structure of the 4-year-old spindle-shaped‘Huangguan’pear grafted with vigorous stock(Pyrus betulaefolia stock)and that grafted with the dwarfing inter stock‘Zhong ai 1 hao’(P.betulaefolia rootstock).The results showed that the 4-year-old‘Huangguan’pear trees grafted with the dwarfing inter stock‘Zhong ai 1 hao’were 2.87 m high on average,with 70.70%of short braches,converted into 21 016.0 branches per 667 m^2,840.64 m^2 of leaf area per 667 m^2 with the leaf area coefficient of 1.75.On the other hand,for the‘Huangguan’trees grafted with vigorous stocks,the average tree height was 3.17 m,and the short branch proportion was 63.20%,converted into 15 806.4 branches per 667 m^2,719.28 m^2 of leaf area per 667 m^2 with the leaf area coefficient of 1.55.Therefore,the use of dwarfing inter stock‘Zhong ai 1 hao’had significant dwarfing effect on‘Huangguan’pear trees,which also showed significant yield increasing effect.



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