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Effect of Climate Change on Yield of Winter Wheat in Jiangsu Province

作者:Shun; SHANG; Xuhui; ZHANG; Zhaotang; S...yieldperunitareastructureclimateassessment

摘要:The spike-grain structure and yield data of winter wheat observed at 10 winter wheat observation stations in Jiangsu agrometeorological observation stations in the China Meteorological Observation Network were used to design the assessment model and evaluation criteria of the effects of climate change on spike-grain structure and yield of winter wheat.The linear regression method was used to determine the parameters of the assessment model,and the climate fact extrapolation method was used to determine future climate change scenarios.The effects of climate change on spike-grain structure and yield of winter wheat in Jiangsu Province were calculated and analyzed finally.The results showed that with the climate change,the meteorological conditions during the growth and development of winter wheat changed,which caused the number of effective spikes to decrease,and the number of grains per spike and thousand-grain weight to increase,and this new type of spike-grain structure combination was beneficial to the increase of the unit yield of winter wheat.The variations of meteorological elements caused by climate change during winter wheat growth and development had different effects on spike-grain structure at different growth stages.The spike-grain structure had an"increasing-decreasing"periodic variation with the growth period overall,with a period of one to three stages.The relationship between winter wheat growth and development and meteorological conditions can be adjusted in real time through stress-resistant cultivation techniques to achieve the high-yield and high-quality cultivation target of winter wheat production.



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