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Current Situations and Suggestions for Development of Oil Peony Industry in Hubei Province

作者:Miao; XU; Zhu; TONG; Zhonghai; SUN; Xi...oilsuffruticosaindustrialsituationdevelopmentproposalshubeiprovince

摘要:Based on the investigation on the production of oil peony(Paeooia suffruticosa Andr.)in the main producing areas in Hubei Province,the current situations and problems faced by oil peony industry were analyzed.The oil peony industry is in the adjustment period after years of development in Hubei Province,and the following suggestions were proposed for its further development.First,make full use of the ornamental value of peony and carry out the theme eco-tourism of peony.Second,make full use of the advantages of local resources and develop resource evaluation and utilization.Third,promote the intensive processing of oil peony and extend the industrial chain of products.



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