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Screening Test of Water-soluble Fertilizers for Watermelon(Citrullus lanatus)

作者:Hanfeng; LI; Delin; HE; Jiajie; FU; Ka...watermelonfertilizerscreening

摘要:[Objectives]This study was conducted to find water-soluble fertilizers(WSFs)suitable for watermelon cultivation in Hainan area.[Methods]The effects of three WSFs on watermelon yield and quality were studied.[Results]Fahai·Jiabao WSF improved watermelon yield by 7.87%compared with the CK,and showed a net increase of income of 538.4 yuan/667 m 2.And it could significantly improve soluble sugar,Vc and protein contents,and could effectively reduce nitrate content.[Conclusions]Fahai·Jiabao WSF is the optimal WSF for integration of water and fertilizer,and has the market prospect of large-area application and extension.



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