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Study on Vegetation Restoration in Chongqing Bashan Lake National Wetland Park

作者:Jing; XIN; Haiyan; JIANG; Song; XIONG;...bashanlakedrawdownareaecologicalrestorationplantconfiguration

摘要:The vegetation restoration experiment was carried out by selecting the arbor-shrub-grass plants with strong stress resistances in the drawdown area of the reservoir of Chongqing Bashan Lake National Wetland Park.The results showed that the survival rate of Taxodium distichum was only 33%in August since the completion of the planting in May 2017,while the survival rates of other plant species were all 100%.After the rising and falling of water levels from September 2017 to February 2018,the investigations conducted in April 2018 showed that the flooding lasted for 130 d at the altitude of 668-672 m,where the preserving rate of Betula nigra was very low of only 25%.The flooding lasted for 120 d at the altitude of 672-675 m,where B.nigra,Pontederia cordata,and Thalia dealbata showed good preserving conditions with the preserving rates over 55%,while Canna indica,Cyperus alternifolius and Iris tectorum had poor preserving conditions with the rates below 50%.The drawdown area with the altitude of 675-678 m had the flooding lasted for 84 d,and good preserving conditions were found in B.nigra,T.distichum,Pterocarya stenoptera,Distylium chinense,Rosa multiflora,P.cordata,T.dealbata and Iris tectorum,which had the preserving rates reach up to 65%,and the preserving rate of B.nigra was as high as 76.2%,but the preserving rates of C.indica and C.alternifolius were low.



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