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Analysis of Drought Characteristics in the Inland Areas of Shandong Province from 1960 to 2013

作者:Weijun; ZHAO; Shuzhen; PENG; Xiangfan;...standardizedprecipitationindexinlandareasofshandongprovincedroughtcharacteristics

摘要:Drought is one of the major meteorological disasters affecting the climate in China.In this paper,the interannual variation and seasonal distribution changes of drought at different time scales were analyzed with the standardized precipitation index(SPI)as the drought evaluation criterion to the precipitation data of the 5 meteorological stations of Jinan,Tai’an,Yiyuan,Shen County and Yanzhou from 1960 to 2013.The results showed that:①the frequency of drought was low in spring and summer in inland areas of Shandong Province,while autumn had frequent occurrences of moderate drought,and winter had frequent occurrences of heavy and severe droughts.②In the 1960s,1980s and early 21 st century,the number of droughts increased significantly,and the SPI values showed a significant decrease.③The 3-month time scale range was wide,during which the frequency of occurrence was high.The trend of SPI changes at the 12-month time scale was affected by the accumulation of antecedent precipitation,and the change was slow.The research results can provide a scientific reference for arid climate analysis and water resources management in agriculture and production in inland areas of Shandong Province.



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