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Investigation and Analysis on the Causes Affecting the Production of One Pig Farm in Southwest Region

作者:Lu; DAI; Chenghong; LI; Yuhan; LI; Lin...pigmatingabortionmummyfetusdeadfeedingmanagementprocedures

摘要:To analyze the causes affecting production situation of one pig farm in southwest region,group leader,assistant and related staffs in the pig farm were queried,mating and delivery situation of sow and dead-culling situation ofpigletwere investigated.The results showed that①mating situation:mating 691 pigs,returning to love 42 pigs,abortion 4 pigs,mismatching rate was 7.59%.②Delivery situation:delivering 175nests,total birth 2538,total piglet per fetus 14.5,average healthy piglet per fetus 10.12,invalid piglet rate was30.21%.Among them,mummy fetus,dead fetus,weak piglet and deformity accounted for 47.78%,35.64%,10.71%and 5.87%of invalid piglet.③Dead-culling situation:dead-culling rate in breeding process was 12.37%.Among them,diarrhea death wasthemain cause,accounting for 44.47%,followed by pressing,falling to the ground,disease,joint swelling,weakness and other causes,and they respectively accounted for 18.58%,13.36%,13.36%,8.56%,5.85%and 0.62%.



《生物技术》(CN:23-1319/Q)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《生物技术》主要刊登生物技术工程、微生物、医药、农林、食用菌、轻工食品、环保、食用菌及相关生物学领域的研究论文。
