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Use of biological control against arthropod pests in Canadian greenhouse crop production

作者:L.VASSEUR; Roselyne; LABBE; Mark; S.GO...greenhouseprotectedcropsinvasivepestsbeneficialsbiocontrolagentreleaseglobaltraderegulations

摘要:Greenhouse horticultural production currently represents an important and growdng sector of Canada's food and plant producproduction systems.Since 2006,the value of greenhouse vegetable crops in Canada exceeds that of field grown crops,signaling an important shift in the w-ay food is cultivated in the country.While many factors have contributed to this change,a major area of innovation includes the discoveries and advances made in the development of commercial greenhouse production systems as well as the integration of biological control strategies for sustainable pest management.With this focus,this review offers a brief overview of the Canadian greenhouse industry,including a descriptive list of commonly used biological control organisms,as well as the role Canadian research has played in the development of these agents.We also address the threats that Canadian greenhouse producers face by invasive pests and the complications these have created for the commercialization of novel biological control agents.This information may serve as a guide for the development of parallel technologies and tools in other parts of the world where greenhouse production is expanding.



《生物安全学报》(CN:35-1307/Q)是一本有较高学术价值的大型季刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《生物安全学报》关注自然和人类社会健康发展中的生物安全焦点与热点(生物入侵、农业转基因生物、农用化学品、新技术等带来的生物安全科学问题),及时刊载生物安全科学研究的新理论、新技术与新方法,全面报道生物安全领域最新的高端研究成果,成为具备科学与技术于一体的国际主流学术刊物。
