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Thoughts on Integrated Monitoring of Ecological Environment at Provincial Level

作者:PENGHong; JackE.Coster; SONGXiao-qiangecologicalenvironmentprovincewidemonitoringprojectlevelsamplingdesignimplementationprogram

摘要:The Law of Soil and Water Conservation entitles the administrations of water resources at various level to monitor ecological environment and to proclaim status of soil erosion periodically.Monitoring units of soil and water conservation approved by local governments are obliged to undertake this work.How to develop a monitoring program needs an overall and long-term concept.Particularity and objectives of ecological environment monitoring was discussed. Monitoring at provincial level may be divided into two levels:province-wide and at project level. Those indicators meaningful,sensitive to any disturbances,and simple to measure may be selected to test status of ecosystem stability and health.It makes sense to have an integrated sampling design,to set up permanent observation plots and to collect data, so that to have a relative timely,accurate understanding of ecosystems in the province.A program regarding sampling design,field methods, data analysis,documentation and implementation was detailed.



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