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Fabrication of Negative Charged Poly(Ethylene glycol)-diacrylate Hydrogel as a Bone Tissue Engineering scaffold

作者:WANG; Ya-qi; LIU; Jie; TAN; Fei; XIE; ...tissueengineeringchargedhydrogelcharge

摘要:Objective To improve the cell attachment of PEGDA hydrogel,the SMAS small molecule was used to modify the PEGDA hydrogel.The charged hydrogel would show improved cell attachment and enhanced protein adsorption caused by enhancement of electrostatic adsorption.Method In this study,a series of charged hydrogels were produced by adding different concentrations of charged small molecule monomer into the PEGDA solution.Then,we investigate the physicochemical and biological characteristics of charged hydrogels,including FTIR,swelling ratio,contact angle,cell attachment.Result The results indicate that the charged monomer had been successfully incorporated into PEGDA hydrogel.Meanwhile,the protein adsorption of the hydrogel increased with increasing concentration of charge modification.Moreover,compared to PEGDA hydrogel,the cell attachment significantly improved on the charged hydrogel.Conclusion The charged hydrogel would be a promising scaffold candidate for bone tissue engineering.



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