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S5A-4 SIRT3:A Potential Target for CHF?

作者:YUE; Zhong-bao; YOU; Jia; LI; Zhuo-min...sirt3nmnat3chronicheartfailuremitochondriaenergymetabolism

摘要:Pathological cardiac hypertrophy is a maladaptive response in a variety of organic heart disease(OHD),which is characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction that results from disturbed energy metabolism.SIRT3,a mitochondria-localized sirtuin,regulates global mitochondrial lysine acetylation and preserves mitochondrial function.However,the mechanisms by which SIRT3 regulates cardiac hypertrophy remains to be further elucidated.In this study,we firstly demonstrated that expression of SIRT3 was decreased in AngiotensionⅡ(AngⅡ)-treated cardiomyocytes and in hearts of AngⅡ-induced cardiac hypertrophic mice.In addition,SIRT3 overexpression protected myocytes from hypertrophy,whereas SIRT3 silencing exacerbated AngⅡ-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.In particular,SIRT3-KO mice exhibited significant cardiac hypertrophy.Mechanistically,we identified NMNAT3(nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 3),the rate-limiting enzyme for mitochondrial NAD biosynthesis,as a new target and binding partner of SIRT3.Specifically,SIRT3 physically interacts with and deacetylates NMNAT3,thereby enhancing the enzyme activity of NMNAT3 and contributing to SIRT3-mediated anti-hypertrophic effects.Moreover,NMNAT3 regulates the activity of SIRT3 via synthesis of mitochondria NAD.Taken together,these findings provide mechanistic insights into the negative regulatory role of SIRT3 in cardiac hypertrophy.Sirtuin 3(SIRT3),a mitochondrial deacetylase that may play an important role in regulating cardiac function and a potential target for CHF.



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