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S6B-5 Biophotonic Transmission in Relation to Intelligence and Consciousness

作者:DAI; Jia-peiultraweakbiophotonimaging

摘要:Introduction:Recently,biophotonic activities and transmission have been suggested to play an important role in the realization of higher nervous functions such as vision,learning and memory,cognition and consciousness,which may be involved in the generation of the quantum mind,however,the underlying mechanisms are far from being understood.Methods:By developing ultraweak biophoton imaging system(UBIS),we have studied the biophotonic activities and transmission in the brain in relation to the evolution of intelligence and the origin of consciousness in animals and human beings.Results:We have demonstrated that glutamate-induced biophotonic activities and transmission in the brain present a spectral redshift from animals(in order of bullfrog,mouse,chicken,pig,and monkey)to humans,even up to a near-infrared wavelength(~865 nm)in the human brain.These results suggest that the demonstration of spectral redshift from animals to humans may be a key biophysical basis for explaining high intelligence in humans because biophoton spectral redshift could be a more economical and effective measure of biophotonic signal communications and information processing in the human brain.In addition,we found that glutamate-induced biophotonic activities and transmission in the mouse brain slices are enhanced by acetylcholine(ACh),dopamine(DA),norepinephrine(NE)andγ-aminobutyric acid(GABA),but inhibited sustainably by 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT).Such synergistic effects of ACh,DA and NE were prevented by 5-HT and a general anesthetic and sedative(propofol),the latter being well known to lead to rapid alteration in states of consciousness.Therefore,we propose that the glutamate-induced tonic biophotonic activity and transmission in different neural circuits in the brain form the basic biophotonic information streams,which represent the quantum state of sub-consciousness or pre-consciousness,called as“Photon quantum mind”.The positive and negative regulation of glutamate action by other neurotransmitters may lead to altered states of



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