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S2B-3 The Translocator Protein(18 kDa),A Potential Novel Drug Target of Mental Disorders

作者:LI; Yun-fengkdatreatmenteffectsexactmousemiceitshas

摘要:Background:Recently,the translocator protein(18 kDa)(TSPO),previously called peripheral benzodiazepine receptor(PBR),has received increased attention in the pathophysiology of several kinds of neuropsychiatric disorders.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the exact role of TSPO in the pathophysiology and treatment of mental disorders.Methods:Firstly,by using TSPO WT/KO mice or the lentiviral vectors mediating TPSO overexpression,we studied the important role of TSPO in the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects.The results obtained in this studies provided new insights into the potential target of TSPO for the treatment of mental disorders.Secondly,we determined the the target profile of YLIPA08,a potent and selective TSPO ligand synthesized by our institute.And we then measured its anti-PTSD,antidepressant and anxiolytic-like effects in various mouse and rat models.Finally,we investigated its potential to cause side effects that are typically associated with conventional benzodiazepines.Results:Our results are the first to suggest that AC-5216,a selective TSPO ligand,produce antidepressant-like and cognitive enhancing behaviors in TSPO+/+mice,but not in TSPO-/-mice.The overexpression of TSPO in the hippocampal dentate gyrus produced anxiolytic and antidepressant-like behavioural effects that are at least partially mediated by downstream allopregnanolone biosynthesis.We also showed that TSPO ligand YL-IPA08 caused significant anti-PTSD,antidepressant and anxiolytic-like effects,but does not cause the side effects that are typically associated with conventional BZDs benzodiazepines,which might be partially mediated by binding to TSPO and the subsequent synthesis of allopregnanolone.Conclusion:These data suggest that TSPO may be the promising targets for the development of TSPO ligands as the novel and promising pharmacotherapies target for the mental disorders.



《神经药理学报》(CN:13-1361/R)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《神经药理学报》内容涉及神经解剖学、神经生物学、神经生理学等领域,报道与神经系统疾病发病机制及其治疗相关的中药有效成分、天然药物化学、药物分析学、分子生物学、药剂学及毒理学方面的研究论著,具有前沿性、创新性、科学性、实用性的特点,及时、快速反映神经药理学最新科研成果和研究进展。
