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S6B-1 Epigenetic Regulations and Chronic Pain Hypersensitivity


摘要:More than 20%of adults worldwide suffer from different types of chronic pain,which are frequently associated with several comorbidities and adverse impact on patient quality of life.Although several approved analgesic drugs are commercially available,they are often hampered by severe side effects and/or insufficient efficacy.One of the most likely possibilities is to develop novel drugs from outcomes of studying the epigenetic mechanisms of chronic pain.A growing body of evidence has emerged in the field of pain epigenetics;however,the field is still very much in its infancy.Epigenetic mechanisms in mammals include DNA methylation,post-translational histone modification,chromatin remodeling and non-coding RNAs.One of the most popular and key epigenetic mechanisms in regulation of gene expression is methylation of cytosines.In the past decade,our group has been focused on the roles of DNA methylation in the different kinds of chronic pain conditions.Our data strongly suggest that imbalance of DNA demethylation homeostasis contributes to the development of chronic pain hypersensitivity.Obviously,there are many challenging research issues that require to be well addressed to fill in the gaps in our knowledge related to the potential for drugging the pain epigenome.



《神经药理学报》(CN:13-1361/R)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《神经药理学报》内容涉及神经解剖学、神经生物学、神经生理学等领域,报道与神经系统疾病发病机制及其治疗相关的中药有效成分、天然药物化学、药物分析学、分子生物学、药剂学及毒理学方面的研究论著,具有前沿性、创新性、科学性、实用性的特点,及时、快速反映神经药理学最新科研成果和研究进展。
