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摘要:Technical Progress, Factor Substitution and China's Energy Decomposition under Open Economy Condition Qi Shaozhou Wang Banban (3) This paper treats energy as an input of production factor. Under the scheme of factor substitution, different sources of techni-cal progress and its usage of production factor are depicted under open economy condition. It sets up a factor demand functions model and applies SUR method to estimate the impact of technical progress from different sources, including autonomous technical progress, R&D, technology purchasing, and technology spillovers through FDI and trade, on energy factor share and energy in- tensity during 1998 - 2009. The results show that the total effect of technical progress will increase the energy intensity, but R&D and FDI spillovers will decrease the energy intensity. The impact of technical progress from different sources on energy intensity varies among regions. The effect of factor substitution will decrease the energy intensity.



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