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作者:唐军; 陈午晴; 侯红蕊村民自治制度村庄政治村落家族传统家族文化制度创新家族结构

摘要:Law of the Village Council Organization tried out in 1987 and issued in 1998, marks the beginning of the village autonomy process and symbolizes the withdrawal of the State' s compulsory force from the countryside. In such a setting, the dual effects, which comes from the liberal concurrence nature of the village autonomy and the trust construction mechanism in rural societies, strengthen to certain extent the individual's clan orientation during the council members' selection, and therefore enlarge the institutional space of clans' action. A series of reforms in the countryside since 1970s have brought upthe growth of little group's interest and individualism. As a result, the appearance of clans in farmers' life world begins to turn to the side of purely intimacy and keeps in the meantime facing to the side of interest, particularly in the case of important events.



