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General Integral Formulasof (0, q)(q 〉 0)Differential Forms on the Analytic Varieties

作者:CHEN; Shu-jincomplexsubmanifoldanalyticvarietiesunifiedformulaextensionformintegralrepresentation

摘要:In this paper, firstly using different method and technique we derive the cor-responding integral representation formulas of (0, q)(q 〉 0) differential forms for the twotypes of the bounded domains in complex submanifolds with codimension-m. Secondly weobtain the unified integral representation formulas of (0, q)(q 〉 0) differential forms for thegeneral bounded domain in complex submanifold with codimension-m, which include Hatzi-afratis formula, i.e. Koppelman type integral formula for the bounded domain with smoothboundary in analytic varieties. In particular, when m -- 0, we obtain the unified integralrepresentation formulas of (0, q)(q 〉 0) differential forms for general bounded domain in Cn,which are the generalization and the embodiment of Koppelman-Leray formula.



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