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Excellence in education and research Penn dental sumposium


摘要:In conjunction with the opening of the Penn Wharton China Center in Beijing,Penn Dental Medicine will present a one-day academic symposium on Sunday,March 8,2015.The symposium will focus on the essence of our teaching philosophy and advances in the dental specialties of restorative dentistry,periodontics and endodontics. The day will also feature scientific research on mesenchymal stem cells as it relates to pulp biology and regeneration. We anticipate the day will be an active exchange of ideas and discussions with professors from Chinese dental schools.



《上海口腔医学》(CN:31-1705/R)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《上海口腔医学》主要介绍口腔医学领域的新成果和新经验,供口腔医学专业的中高级临床医师、教学及科研人员参阅。主要刊载有关口腔医学基础和临床研究的论著、文献综述、临床总结、病例讨论、继续教育专题讲座、短篇报道、学术争鸣(包括述评)、国内外信息等稿件。
