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Hand segmentation from a single depth image based on histogram threshold selection and shallow CNN

作者:XU; Zhengze; ZHANG; Wenjunhandsegmentationhistogramthresholdselectionconvolutionalneuraldepthmap

摘要:Real-time hand gesture recognition technology significantly improves the user’s experience for virtual reality/augmented reality(VR/AR)applications,which relies on the identification of the orientation of the hand in captured images or videos.A new three-stage pipeline approach for fast and accurate hand segmentation for the hand from a single depth image is proposed.Firstly,a depth frame is segmented into several regions by histogrambased threshold selection algorithm and by tracing the exterior boundaries of objects after thresholding.Secondly,each segmentation proposal is evaluated by a three-layers shallow convolutional neural network(CNN)to determine whether or not the boundary is associated with the hand.Finally,all hand components are merged as the hand segmentation result.Compared with algorithms based on random decision forest(RDF),the experimental results demonstrate that the approach achieves better performance with high-accuracy(88.34%mean intersection over union,mIoU)and a shorter processing time(68 ms).



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