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Economic Reform and Changes in Regional Development Patterns of China


摘要:<Abstract>The thesis profiles and explains the significant changes that have taken place in China’s regional development patterns since the inception of its economic reform and opening three decades ago.The analysis show that prior to the reform China’s spatial development pattern was characterized by the dominance of the three municipalities and the Northeast,as well as by both the coast-interior and the north-south disparities.After three decades of reform,regional development has become multi-centered with South China,the Yangtze Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin area being the three most important regions of the country.The coastal provinces as a whole rose to prominence on China’s economic map while the Northeast has diminished its clout.The coast-interior gap not only remains but may have widened. And especially in the latest ten years,the economic map continue changing,some provinces rose up quickly,while some declined rapidly.The paper discusses main specific factors that have reshaped China’s spatial development patterns.



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