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作者:凌去非; 李思发; 张海军; 殷建国丁鱥雌核发育随机扩增多态dna

摘要:Gynogenesis is thought to be a useful method to generate fully inbred line and to initiate monosex culture in teleost fish. This article presents results of a study of gynogenesis of tench, Tinca tinca L. from Eltrix River of Xinjiang, China, induced by the common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ) sperm inactivated with UV irradiation. When cold shocking method was used to prevent exmasion of the second polar body in order to produce gynogenetic diploids, the optimum treated parameters were screened as cold shocking for 20min at 4℃, 5min after insemination. On this condition, 10.23% of the treated eggs survived at feeding stage. A comparative study between the gynogenesis and their parents was made by RAPD technique. 82 random primers of 10 nucleotide long sequence were used in RAPD analysis. The results showed that each primer gives 3- 12 fragments for each sample with the fragment length 330 - 2 460 bp, and the genetic similarity between gynogenesis and their mother was 97.4 %, while the genetic similarity between gynogenesis and their father was 27.4%, and there were no bands only shared by gynogenesis and their father, the common carp. It revealed that the chromosome of their father, the common carp, did not penetrate into the construction of gynogenetic tench.



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