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作者:DaridM.Franklyn; 王瀛旅游业城乡差距缩小

摘要:UN-Habitat is embarking on an exciting programme to implement an often-overlooked part of its mandate-to promote city tourism around the world. The idea is that visitors to famous and not so famous towns and cities see how other people live, especially the poorest of the poor so that they can benefit from tourism as a source of income and enable them to meet their shelter needs. The Istanbul Declaration and Habitat Agenda gives UN-Habitat a mandate that takes in not just cities and towns per se, but the peri-urban zones that skirt them, and urban-rural linkages that can be of considerable benefit to countries proud to draw on the development potentials of tourism. Well-managed tourism can certainly help strengthen the positive links between urban and rural areas. This article gives some examples of traditional and newly developed tourism.



