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Ecological Characteristics of Plants of Harboi Rangeland, Kalat, Pakistan

作者:MufakhirahJanDURRANI; FarrukhHUSSAIN; ...巴基斯坦哈博伊草原植物生态特征

摘要:The floristic composition, ecological characteristics and ethnoecology of plants of Harboi rangeland (Kalat,Pakistan) were done during 1997 to 1999. There were 202 species that belonged to 45 plant families Asteraceae, Papilionaceae, Poaceae, Brassicaceae and Lamiaceae were the leading families. Juniperus macropoda was the only tree species while A rtemesia maritima, Sophora griffithii, Hertia intermedia, Nepetajuncea, Perovskia abrotanoides, Convolvulus leiocalycinus and A stragalus spp. were the most common shrubs. The dominant life forms were therophyte and hemicryptophyte while nanophylls, microphylls and leptophylls were dominant leaf sizes. The growing season lasts from March to November with two flowering periods. Most, i.e. 83.6% plants flowered during April to June while 63.3% plants bloomed during July to September. Some 145 species had various local uses. They included 129 fodder species, 50 medicinal species, 12 vegetable/fruits species, 7 fuel wood species, 3 species each were used for roof thatching and making herbal tea. Deforestation, over grazing and over collection 0f medicinal and fuel wood species have led to the degradation of this rangeland. There is need to conserve these resources with the participation of local communities.



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