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Design of Context Awareness System for Semantic Internet of Things Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network

作者:WU; Xiao-qiang; ZHANG; Chun-you; SHI; ...semanticinternetofthingsontologiesscenariomodelinguncertainreasoning

摘要:Semantic Internet of Things is an open-world service ecosystem formed on the basis of the Semantic Web, Internet of Things, and social networks. It forms and integrates physical space, cyberspace,and social space. The data friction problem is the key issue of the semantic Internet from theory to practice. In order to solve the problem of information interoperation and data friction,it is necessary to deal with the heterogeneity, dynamicity, and uncertainty of data in the semantic Internet of Things. For this reason, this paper constructs a semantic object networking context aware system based on dynamic Bayesian network. The overall architecture of context awareness system based on semantic Internet of Things is proposed. The hierarchical structure of the framework and the functions implemented by each layer are introduced in detail. The contextual awareness system based on semantic Internet of Things is introduced into the overall design and implementation. The design and implementation process of each layer structure of the system is described in detail.



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