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The Transmission Mechanism and Control Strategy of the Network Public Opinion in Frontier Ethnic Regions

作者:GAO; Yingsocialnetworkfrontiernationalpublicopiniontransmissionmechanismcontrolstrategy

摘要:Social networking has become an important channel for netizens to express public Opinions and reflect social conditions and public opinions. At the same time, social networks also provide favorable conditions for the widespread dissemination of negative information. The spread of negative information will weaken the credibility of the government and affect government decisions. For this reason, the network public opinion transmission mechanism and control strategy in frontier ethnic areas are studied in depth. Through the analysis of the stage of social media public opinion dissemination, a more reasonable social media public opinion dissemination stage model was concluded, and the social media public opinion dissemination mechanism and the linkage mechanism of the dissemination mechanism were derived, which solved the problem of how social media sentiment was disseminated. According to the analysis of the stage characteristics of social media public opinion dissemination , the six stages of public opinion transmission were divided into different levels , and corresponding strategies were proposed for different levels of the dissemination stage.



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