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Numerical prediction of thermo-hydrody-namics on the gas-lubricated film in wedge-shaped microchannel

作者:ZHANG; Xueqing; ZHANG; Yangang; CHEN; ...equationsadiabatichorizontalplatefilm

摘要:One wedge-shaped microchannel was established,and the hydrodynamic properties of the wedge-shaped gas film were comprehensively investigated.The Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the full energy equation were adopted to mainly analyze the lubrication hydrodynamics of the gas film,as the horizontal plate was viewed as the adiabatic wall or the horizontal plate temperature was equal to the tilt plate temperature.A higher gas film temperature strengthened the rarefaction effect,and the more rarefied gas weakened the squeeze.Meanwhile,the vertical flow across the gas film could indicate the relation between the velocity vector and the gas film squeeze and expansion.The adiabatic horizontal plate could resist the heat conduction and enhance the rarefaction effect,and thus the direction of motion of the gas molecules was easier to be changed.



《排灌机械工程学报》(月刊)创刊于1982年,由江苏省教育厅主管,江苏大学主办,CN刊号为:32-1814/TH,自创刊以来,颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《排灌机械工程学报》主要报道党和国家有关排灌行业的方针政策、最新标准;报道排灌机械行业的新产品、新工艺及工程设计的新论点、新发明及具有研究意义的前沿课题;报道排灌机械行业的新产品、新工艺,报道机电排灌站新建、改造、管理等的新思路、新办法;并为各类企事业单位承办单位形象及产品宣传。
