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Angiotensin-converting-enzyme Inhibitors in Treatment of Atherosclerotic Peripheral Arterial Disease

作者:I.A.SUCHKOV R.E.KALININneointimalhyperplasiaendothelialdysfunctionperindopril

摘要:Objective To evaluate the treatment efficacy of perindopril in correcting endothelial dysfunction in patients with atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease(PAD).Methods 85 patients with atherosclerotic PAD were divided into 3 groups and undergone endotheliotropic treatment with perindopril.The functional state of endothelium(FSE)was evaluated in all patients by checking the following biochemical parameters:nitric oxide(Ⅱ)(NO),endothelin-1(E-1),C-reactive protein(CRP),superoxide dismutase(SOD),integral assessment of lipid peroxidation(LPO),glutathione peroxidase(GPx).Results Basal level of NO secretion in operated patients was the lowest.SOD level in operated patients increased by 102.7%,143.24%,164.86%and 175.67%directly after the operation as well as 1,3 and 6 months following the surgery respectively,but E-1 level decreased by 82%,70%,78%,and 90%.The results of GPx level and LPO analysis confirmed favorable effects of perindopril on biochemical status in patients with atherosclerotic PAD.Conclusion Perindopril is effective in stimulating NO(Ⅱ)secretion and correcting FSE.Perindopril may be used for prophylaxis of restenosis of reconstruction area following operative treatment in patients with atherosclerotic PAD.



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