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Numerical Studies of Turbulent Flows in Channels with Abrupt Cross-sectional Changes

作者:CHEN; Hao-liang; LIN; Quan-hong; Cheon...turbulentflowopenchannelabruptexpansioncontractionshallowwaterequation

摘要:The turbulent flows through the channels with abrupt cross-sectional changes are common and importantphysical process in nature.For a better prediction of the mean flow and turbulent characteristics for this problem,atwo-dimensional depth-averaged numerical model is developed.The model is robust and accurate in reproducing therecirculation flow behind a groyne and turbulent flows in channels with abrupt cross-sectional changes,when com-pared to the available experimental data of mean velocities and turbulence kinetic energy.Our results reveal that theabrupt cross-sectional change of a channel can affect the flow pattern significantly and introduces the complex turbu-lence characteristics.In particular,when the channel has an abrupt expansion,the mean flow pattern is mainly in lon-gitudinal direction with rather small transverse component.Meanwhile,a recirculating region forms behind the expan-sion position and the turbulence has very strong intensity within this region.For the flow in the channel with an ab-rupt contraction,the longitudinal component of the flow is decreased by the obstruction on one side and accelerated onthe other side,whereas the transverse velocity is small.The turbulence is extraordinarily strong in the regions adja-cent to the contraction wall in the narrow channel.In both cases of abrupt cross-sectional changes,the TKE is genera-ted dominantly by the shear of the longitudinal velocities.



《南水北调与水利科技》(双月刊)创刊于2003年,由河北省水利厅主管,河北省水利科学研究院主办,CN刊号为:13-1430/TV,自创刊以来,颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《南水北调与水利科技》主要刊登水科学、水工程、水资源、水管理等方面的论文,并以全新的理念指导办刊,刊物总体质量不断提升,现成为中国科技优秀期刊,CSCD,美国化学文摘,CJFD来源期刊。
