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Root morphology and biomass accumulation in hairy root culture of Psammosilene tunicoides by exogenous auxin treatments

作者:Su; Lingye; Zhang; Bowen; Wang; Hongfe...hairyrootibanaaoptimumconcentrationpsammosilenetunicoides

摘要:Root morphology,growth rate and biomass accumulation in hairy root culture could be impacted by auxins.In this study,we investigated the responses of the morphology and growth of Psammosilene tunicoides hairy roots to different treatments of auxins at several concentrations in solid or liquid media.Results show that Naphthylacetic acid(NAA)principally accelerates the P.tunicoides primary or lateral hairy root elongation,while indolebutyric acid(IBA)mainly increases lateral hairy root density.The biomass of hairy roots was generally promoted by NAA,IBA or NAA/IBA combination.The optimal concentrations of NAA,IBA and NAA/IBA for root biomass enhancements are 0.5,0.1,0.5/0.2 mg/L for solid media,and 0.1,0.1,0.05/0.2 mg/L for liquid media,respectively.This study positively suggests that the root morphology of P.tunicoides hairy root can be improved by optimizing the ratio of NAA/IBA in the culture media,leading to an improving biomass in hairy root culture.



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