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Preparation and characterization of high softening point and homogeneous isotropic pitches produced from distilled ethylene tar by a novel bromination method第97-100页
关键词: high  softening  point  and  homogeneous  isotropic  pitches  produced  from  distilled  ethylene  tar  romination  method  
2018年第01期 《新型炭材料》
The Analysis of Sonnet 54第255-页
关键词: beauty  truth  sweet  greatest  beautiful  vivid  emphasize  appreciate  remember  distilled  
2016年第03期 《校园英语》
Spinal neurocyte apoptosis in rats with chronic fluorosis and improvement after defluorination第11-12页
关键词: hundred  drinking  fluoride  cytometry  twenty  apoptosis  body  recovered  distilled  quantitatively  
Gene chip screen in mice kidney with acute paraquat poisoning and preliminary analysis of the differentially expressed genes第47-48页
关键词: paraquat  poisoning  preliminary  differentially  screen  distilled  administration  dissolved  mortality  totally  
Liver cirrhosis and fatty liver第213-214页
关键词: cirrhosis  alcoholic  distilled  homeostasis  abnormal  aspartate  alanine  triglyceride  cholesterol  sudan  
Role of stanniocalcin1 in brain injury of coal-burning-borne fluorosis rats第69-70页
关键词: borne  burning  fluoride  hundred  distilled  cortex  accord  body