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On Poetic Advertisements Translating by Functional Equivalence in Skopostheory


摘要:A hot issue was once the advertisement translation as a pragmatic one. But it is surprising how little attention has been paid to a new kind of advertisement-poetic advertisement, which has caught a great significance in the world of business.In this paper it attempts to do a poetic translation study by Nida’s theories that stand for the German functional translation school. Through the research for some translation cases, it is found that the theory functional equivalence is feasible for representing the poetic beauty, the readers’ acceptability and the functions of advertisements. What is shown thereby is that the theory functional equivalence can work as guiding principle in the translation of English poetic advertisement.



《科教导刊》(旬刊)创刊于2009年,由湖北省科学技术协会主管,湖北省科学技术协会主办,CN刊号为:42-1795/N,自创刊以来,颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《科教导刊》集权威性、理论性、前瞻性、专业性于一体,致力于追踪科教前沿、传播科教信息,探究课程教学、展望教学蓝图。全方位、深层次的推广现代教育的新理念、新思维。为广大专家学者、研究人员提供有效的交流平台。
