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作者:黎海超; 崔剑锋; 王竑; 任周方強国本地风格铜器生产问题考古学分析科技分析

摘要:According to the cultural and production factors reflected in the shape,motif,inscriptions and casting technique of the bronzes of State of Yu,there were four types of bronzes which were recognized as made locally.The four types of bronzes changed significantly from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the mid Western Zhou Dynasty and the localization characteristics increased in the mid Western Zhou Dynasty.Based on analyzing local bronzes of State of Yu and Central Plains style bronzes in low quality in the aspects of trace element grouping and lead isotope research,the result showed that the raw materials of the two types bronzes were basically same,however the copper materials were different from that of the high-quality central plains style bronzes.Some cooper materials may come from the state of Zeng.Therefore,the existence of local bronzes casting industry of State of Yu can be determined by the analyses of shape,technology and materials of the bronzes.The analyses of lead isotope indicated that the main raw materials may come from the central distribution.From the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the mid Western Zhou Dynasty,although the independence of local casting industry of State of Yu increased,the source of raw materials did not change greatly.



