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作者:王政玉; 李德渠; 张骥; 夏义勇山东济宁市玉皇顶遗址发掘简报大汶口文化殷墟文化

摘要:In 1996, the Jining Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and another institution carried out a rescuing excavation on the Yuhuangding site. In the excavated area of about 80 sq m they revealed Neolithic house-foundations and ash pits and Shang period ash-pits and wells, as well as Neolithic pottery and stone tools and Shang pottery and bone artifacts. The Neolithic remains are similar to those of the Yanzhou Wangyin site, and date roughly from the late Beixin culture to the early Dawenkou culture. The Shang cultural remains correspond in date to the Jining Fenghuangtai and Panmiao sites, belonging roughly to Phase I of the Yinxu culture.



