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作者:许宏; 赵海涛; 王丛苗; 赵静玉; 王宏章二里头遗址发掘宫城宫殿区

摘要:On the Erlitou site, a palace-city and a network of roads in its periphery have been discovered in recent years. The main road functioned continuously from the early to the late stage of Erlitou culture. The palace-city has a plan in the shape of a vertical rectangle and occupies an area of about 108,000 sq m. It was built at the turn from the second to the third phase of the Erlitou culture and existed to the fourth phase or a little later. This is the remains of the earliest palace-city known so far in China. Among the other important findings are wheel tracks of the early Erlitou culture and turquoise-containiing waist pits of the late Erlitou. The discovery of the palace-city and road network suggests that the Erlitou site is left over from a city large in size and neat in layout.



