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Effect of Pyridinecarboxylic Acid on the Molecular Packing Architectures of Disc-shaped 2,3,6,7,10,11-Hexahydroxytriphenylene with Both Large π System and Hydrogen Bond Sites

作者:ZHENG; Ling-Ling; HU; Sheng; ZHOU; Ai-...236710pyridinecarboxylicacidhydrogenbondingstacking

摘要:Co-crystallization of 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexahydroxytriphenylene(L)with nicotinic acid(3-pyaH)and isonicotinic acid(4-pyaH)offers L·(3-pyaH)·5 H2O(1)and L·2(4-pya H)·5 H2O(2),respectively.In 1,each L links three neighboring L molecules via O-H···O and C-H···O hydrogen bonds,furnishing a 1 D chain.The hydrogen bonding and p-p stacking deriving from 3-pyaH and L extend the chains to a 2D layer.Lattice water molecules are interconnected to 3-pyaH via hydrogen bonds into a 1 D[(3-pya H)×5 H2O]¥chain.While in 2,Hydrogen bonding between L and 4-pyaH produces a 2D net with triangle and parallelogram grids.Water molecules locate in interlayer and grids,and O(1 w)and O(2 w)link 4-pyaH into a 1 D[(4-pyaH)×2 H2O]∞ chain.



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