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Theoretical Chemistry Study of the Hydrogen-bonded Interaction between Acylamine and Chloromethane Compounds

作者:GE; Qing-Yu; WANG; Hai-Jun; CHEN; Jian...氯甲化合物理论化学分子结构化学反应

摘要:The hydrogen-bonded interaction between acylamine and chloromethane was studied using theoretical calculation methods. Looking the interaction system as a hydrogen-bonded complex, the geometric optimization of the interaction system was performed with HF and B3LYP methods at 6-311++G** level. Stable structures of these complexes were obtained. Binding energies and some other physical chemistry parameters of them were computed and compared. According to the calculation results, it can be identified that DMA (DMF or DEF) can form stable complex with chloromethane by the hydrogen-bonded interaction between them. The stable orders of these hydrogen-bonded complexes were obtained and described as: DMF-CHCl3>DMF-CH2Cl2>DMF-CH3Cl, DEF-CHCl3>DEF-CH2Cl2>DEF-CH3Cl, DMA-CHCl3>DMA-CH2Cl2>DMA-CH3Cl, respectively.



《结构化学》(CN:35-1112/TQ)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《结构化学》主要报道晶体学,量子化学,药物、材料和催化剂等领域物质性能与结构关系的文章。
