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Influence of Fe203 Impurity on the Crystalline Structure of Cordierite Synthesized from Waste Aluminum Slag

作者:WUWei-Qing; RUANYu-Zhong; YUYan氧化铁晶体结构堇青石废物处理工艺热稳定性

摘要:The influence of Fe203 impurity on the crystalline structure of cordierite synthesized from waste aluminum slag is discussed. XRD and SEM techniques were employed to characterize the crystalline structure and microstructure of each specimen. Philips X'pert plus software was used to determine the lattice parameters of each specimen. The results show that the Fe2O3 content of 0.8-1.6wt% is beneficial to the formation of cordierite, with the cordierite amount reaching 90wt%. So 0.8-1.6wt% is considered as the allowable Fe2O3 content in the specimens and 0.8wt% is determined to be the best after overall analysis. Plus software analysis shows that the cordierite in each specimen has the same symmetrical hexagonal structure as the single crystal, and the lattice parameters as well as the lattice dimensions change slightly.



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