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Research on the Humor of HAPPY THEATER from the Perspective ofFrame-Shifting Theory


摘要:As a unique art of language,humor is indispensable to human’s daily life,which reflects human's cognitive wisdom to⁃wards objective things and the society.The appreciation of humor mainly depends on the ability to understand the unconventional use of language.Because humor plays an important role in daily life,psychologists,sociologists and linguists all try to explore its operation mechanism.HAPPY THEATER is a live comedy show by Zhejiang Satellite TV,inviting some movie and TV stars as guest actors,without lines or scripts.It is characterized by the ability to improvise in a high degree of performance and the use of humor in a flexible manner.The framework shifting theory is applied to analyze the humorous language of the program from the per⁃spective of cognitive linguistics in order to reveal the linguistic mechanism behind the humor.



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