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On the Application of Reading-to-Write Approach to English Writing Teaching in Senior Middle School


摘要:As one of the four basic skills of language teaching and an aspect of communicative competence,writing seems to be the weakest one among senior school students in China.Most of teachers have had such experiences that although we spend a lot of time marking on the students'writing,but only to find the corrections and comments ignored.The students pay little attention to responses and regard revision of their writing as a punishment.Starting from the perspectives of modern linguistic theory,the pressing demands of the new curriculum,and the practical needs of student development,the study analyses the prevalent misconceptions about writing.The author proposes an assumption of integrating the teaching materials with Reading-to-Write Approach in the senior school writing teaching.To examine the validity of the Approach,about one-year action research is carried out in an ordinary high school,adopting the methodology of literature survey,questionnaire survey,interview,testing and so on.The results of the experiment showed that the approach had a more positive impact on students'writing attitudes and habits than traditional teaching methods.This approach helped them much more in word usage,longer sentences,content,and text structure or development.Besides,the students'compe?tence of interaction and cooperation were enhanced,Therefore,the approach in writing teaching is effective.



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