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When Veils are Lifted,Shift Perspectives:George Eliot’s and Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s Remedy for the Lack of Sympathy

作者:JIN; Zi-qimicroscopicvisionliftedvacationstorieszoominginandoutethicsofsympathygeorgeeliot

摘要:This essay will investigate the differences between the ways George Eliot’s protagonist,Latimer,and Cajal’s protagonist,Juan Fernández,handle the extraordinary visions they are given.In“The Lifted Veil”by George Eliot,Latimer acquires a gift of clairvoyance,which enables him to see others’thoughts.Similarly,in“The Corrected Pessimist,”a novella in Cajal’s story collection—Vacation Stories,Juan acquires microscopic eyes,which enable him to lift the veil of reality and in turn that of the human mind.While Juan learns to zoom in on the beauty of the human mind and to use his appreciation of its beauty to understand its flaws,Latimer excessively zooms in on the dark side of the human mind and fails to sympathize with others.In comparing the different ways in which Latimer and Juan employ their microscopic visions,this essay aims to prove that Eliot and Cajal,though through contrasting ways,both highlight how important is shifting perspectives to cultivate one’s sympathy.



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