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Literature Review on the Corpus Study of Lexical Bundles by Chinese EFL Learners

作者:ZHANG; Ya-fanglexicalbundlesliteraturereviews

摘要:Different from other types of word combinations,lexical bundles are frequency-driven word combinations,which are characterized by incomplete structure,yet different functional discourse performance.Lexical bundles are the important building blocks of discourse.Appropriate use of lexical bundles contribute to fluent and accurate written and spoken production.This paper collates,analyzes and summaries the literature reviews on lexical bundles both at home and abroad,to point out the present situation and weakness of the research on lexical bundles.



《海外英语》(CN:34-1209/G4)是一本有较高学术价值的大型半月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《海外英语》注重反映一级学科外国语言文学的前沿动态、报告国内外有关的最新研究成果或信息;兼顾纯理论性和实证性研究,不仅载有文论型的文章,而且报导可直接用于外语教学实践的成果。
