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Ishmael’s Ecological Consciousness as Reflected in Moby-Dick

作者:QIU; Kai-yuishmaelecologicalconsciousnessnature

摘要:In American Romanticism,Herman Melville's Moby-Dick is an encyclopedic classic of the whaling industry.Based on the theory of ecocriticism,this thesis tries to explore Ishmael’s respect and love for nature by analyzing and judging from what he says,in the novel.Ishmael’s beautiful picture of the sea and amazing description of different kinds of whales let the reader easily relate him to a person with enough intelligence to have an ecological awareness.Ishmael’s guilty feeling of their whaling adds to his important role as a nature lover.Then the paper turns to how Ishmaels’attitude to nature affect his life.Finally,the paper draws the conclusion that human beings should love and respect nature and accept the ecological law of nature,however harsh we find it.Only in this way can we coexist with nature.



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