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Defamiliarization in Bob Dylan’s Lyrics


摘要:Defamilarization proposed by Russian formalist Shklovskij,thinks highly of the use of defamilarization to regain freshness and interest out of familiar things,invite readers to expose themselves to a strangeness and freshness.This study attempts to have a detailed analysis of defamilarization in Bob Dylan's lyrics.Bob Dylan,though famous as a singer,has made great achievements in literature,which has made him the winner of Nobel Prize in literature.The Nobel jurists cited him for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.the study will have a thorough analysis of defamilarization in Bob Dylan's lyrics in terms of puns,parallelism,counter-intuitive expressions,metaphor,analogy and defamiliar collocation of words.In conclusion,the large amounts of use of defamilarization enable Bob Dylan to realize rich artistic conception,novelty and flexibility of language,richness of imagination,broadness of artistic realm and variety of expression means.



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