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The Humorous but Coherent Characterization of the Little Man in“The Egg”,“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”and“Shiloh”


摘要:Though with different times and backgrounds,these three masterpieces-"The Egg","The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"and"Shiloh"all humorously characterize the same type protagonist-the"little man".Penetrating the humorous characterization,the three works on the one hand present the rational question of the mainstream society and the serious critique of the dominant forces,on the other hand,they also offer the humanistic affirm and concern of the marginalized little man.Thus,bundle these three master pieces together,this paper makes an effort to analyze the humorous characterization of the little man;the comic gender relationships so as to figure out the coherent thematic significance as well as the philosophical seriousness of humor in these three masterpieces.



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