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An Investigation into the Web-Based Learning in Jiangsu Open University (JSOU)—A case Study of College English


摘要:College English is a compulsory course for all registered online learners in Jiangsu Open University and students have been practicing web-based learning instead of face-to-face classes ever since 2014. Questionnaires and interviews are adopted to look into the 4-year-long practice of web-based learning in College English in JSOU. By analyzing the data obtained from both teachers and students, the findings show:(1) web-based learning caters to online learners in that the online learning materials, particularly micro-lessons, are well-designed and easily accessible.(2) web-based learning helps teachers monitor the learning pro? cess of online learners and therefore assures the quality of online learning.(3) web-based learning enhances effective learning since students and teachers can communicate conveniently and instantly via online chat rooms and instant messaging software.



《海外英语》(CN:34-1209/G4)是一本有较高学术价值的大型半月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《海外英语》注重反映一级学科外国语言文学的前沿动态、报告国内外有关的最新研究成果或信息;兼顾纯理论性和实证性研究,不仅载有文论型的文章,而且报导可直接用于外语教学实践的成果。
