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Analysis of Female Image in Thornton Wilder’s Our Town


摘要:Our Town was Thornton Wilder’s most influential drama which had been widely performed in theaters and enjoyed constant popularity over the past eighty years. In Our Town, the scenes of female characters doing housework and having daily chatting took a large part of the play. Firstly, the three major female characters in Our Town were depicted as traditional housewives who were devoted and confined to their families. Their personal dreams had all fallen through due to social conventions and the unrequited love to their families.As the story went on, unfortunate fates seized those weak females and left them miserable endings. Although gender stereotype is observed in the play, from the elaborate carving of female images, readers can still see Wilder’s special care for female characters. He made them the critical narrators of the story and let them tell the truth of human life. Plain though those housewives in Our Town were, they never failed to touch the audience and reveal the profound theme.



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