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A Study on the Relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Learner Autonomy in English Learning of Non-English Major College Students

作者:王丹; 胡家英majorfreshmenlearningmotivationintrinsiclearnerautonomystrategy

摘要:To provide scientific feedback and advice on improving the English autonomous learning ability of non-English majors and in improving the quality of English for non-English majors,it is urgent to study the relationship between intrinsic motivation and learner autonomy.Based on the theory of intrinsic motivation and learner autonomy,a questionnaire survey is used to investigate non-English students at Northeast Agricultural University.The obtained data through SPSS analysis and case simulation show that there is a positive correlation between intrinsic motivation and learner autonomy,which proves the necessity and feasibility of constructing autonomous learning factor model to improve the self-learning ability of contemporary non-English majors.



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