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Analyzing whether China is a Welfare State Grounded on the Study of Es.ping-Andersen’s Theories


摘要:Indisputably,the desire for sense of security as a part of society brings about Citizens'aspiration for sound welfare.It's not only the wishes of citizens of capitalistic states but socialist countries.This paper focuses on analyzing whether China is a welfare state grounded on the study of Esping-Andersen’s theories.It consists of three dimensions,conceptual definitions published by Asa Briggs and Esping-Andersen is the primary one,then the basic three directions to modify the play of market(Asa Briggs)are stated as the criteria to measure a state,the third part is the principle Esping-Andersen proposed,and three kinds of welfare state based on the principle.To make the research more evident,examples will be utilized as follows.



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